This year we decided, Manuel and I have a holiday "long" finally.
By "long vacation" I mean more than one vacation week.
So, as three years ago we had a visit to Eneko and Kelly in Paso Robles, California, and this year he finally had to go, we decided to go and see them.
Day 1: Friday 21 September We left Friday at 13:00 from Heathrow (although in reality the plane took off at 14:00) and arrive at 21:00 (local time) at San Francisco, which is 06:00 in here.
The flight lasted a total of 17 hours including 2 hours of link in Philadelphia.
Before the flight and during our passage through immigration, in Philadelphia, we were a thousand questions like:
1. Do you belong to any terrorist organization?
2. Have you been over animals and plants?
3. Do you have any contagious diseases?
4. Do you have friends or family in the USA?
5. Where going to sleep in your destination city?
To which I would have said:
1. If so, what would you you say!
2. Do not you see at a glance, no? 3. Same thing, you say you believe it!
4. None of your business, I say.
5. This question is funny because if you go on vacation, require that you know the address of the hotel, shelter house, hut, camping, ..., where you are staying in your room and if you do not know it, do not leave to fly to San Francisco, you have to find the address before the flight or stay on land. Cool!
But instead of answering all of that, I answered all the questions that do not like to do if you do not want to mess with, and joined the hotel management to carry around, and if I asked (asked me several times).
That if the flight was fantastic, we were served a lot of food, several times, the food was good (sorpendente) and was abundant.
had a screen for you in the front seat where you could choose from several blockbuster movies (in several languages), or TV shows or documentaries or discs of various authors.
mini also gives you a blanket (which I wrapped because they had the air full blast and it was cold) and a mini pillow.
Arriving in San Francisco were Kelly and Eneko were at the airport (they are a charm) and we all went to the hotel.
Certainly the hotel had jacuzzi and swimming pool, how nice!
Day 2: Saturday September 22
fastástico breakfast at a site, which Eneko and Kelly took us in Millbrae, where you can order a traditional breakfast. We put on our boots.
I ordered a scrambled eggs and sausages (and I brought a dish), pancakes, fruit and coffee. All for $ 7!
When I finished the "breakfast" I thought it was going to explode and could not eat all day, but if I ate, and ate dinner at night.
seems incredible that we won even a kilo, and Manuel and I, this holiday season.
Indeed, when you asked for a coffee, I usually brought a black coffee, lightly loaded, in a large bowl with mini portions of individual cream and sugar or saccharin, and you could ask that you fill the cup every time you wanted.
That is fucking great!
If you want to spend the morning or afternoon, talking with friends or studying, or whatever, in one of these cafes, you can, because you leave water and coffee repeat as many times as you want.
People do not usually do that, I think, but you can.
In fact I've only seen two people doing this: two students in San Francisco, who hatched their billets of medicine and psychology in a cafe drinking "a café.
For all that, I discovered that I like American coffee, not only because I like the coffee itself, but because I like to repeat that I do not look bad.
In Spain I order a coffee and bring me a poison, warm up escaldarte language, and undrinkable as it is loaded. I have
aguarlo and hope that is cool to drink it. In the USA, every time I ordered coffee, have brought me as I like, thin and slightly warm.
After finishing breakfast, we went with
Eneko and Kelly to see: the Golden Gate, Downtown, Chinatown, Fisherman's Wharf and the Italian quarter. We walk vim all day and you as many cos. Luckily the weather and aunq ue was cloudy, not cold, so Pudi we spend too much time on the street.
Then we went to eat at an Indian restaurant that I loved and reminded me a lot to the restaurant "Taj" in Madrid, which went with my mates nd By
a. : D We also got on the tram (the photo), and we were up and down the streets v arias with some impressive hills.
Indeed, a moment s
after he made l a photo, the tram came to a circular platform on the floor, and the "driving tor" of tram got out and walked around the vehicle, to be cont towards Rari hand, t Iranda him.
These trams have no motor and hey are hooked to a cable that runs along the ground a few inches under the roadway, and travel and those big hills loaded with people.
If they ever break one of it s cabl is ..., hell breaks loose!
Moving on ... Chinatown is awesome.
We saw a gap ile with a dragon, of those who see in movies.
I could not catch a photo the dragon because the camera caught me off and bowls or bad! That weekend ban celebrates the 51st anniversary of the creation of People's Republic of China, so were all decked out. Day 3: Sunday September 23
Dimos another tour of the Pier 39, Fisherman 's Wharf , do were lions nde throwing ma Rinos a nap. Dimos
another stroll downtown and went back to the hotel for a nap, we.
Manuel was taking a look at your iPod Touch, which had bought that morning at the Apple store in San Francisco.
Day 4: Monday September 24
On Monday we went to the beach, Ocean's Beach, which is lovely.
was hot but the water was freezing, Portugal style. : D
We swam, but we were battered by the sand and gave us alone ...
We went to Sunset beach by bus (the 71), which is fascinating colors with low houses with many bars in each door, and returned to Richmond (the 5).
Only got into the water some brave wetsuit to the neck, and everyone!
At night we swam in the pool and jacuzzi at the hotel and we were like God.
Day 5: Tuesday September 25
We went to Google headquarters in Mo untain V ie WYA
Apple headquarters in Cupertino.
Apple's headquarters has a souvenir shop in the building of the company.
is amazing!
The marketing taken to the extreme.
is as if, to go to work at your company, could enter the gift shop of your company and buy a shirt that said: "I was in the company X".
bought several shirts at the Apple store in Apple, forgive the "braying elderly."
Two of them had phrase
ahead saying, "I was in the mothership." XD
The buildings of the two companies are surrounded by trees, in quiet areas filled with sites of other companies.
seemed the ideal place to work!
also pass near the Mountain View headquarters from Microsoft to turn ; and Oracle Towers, which are spectacular.
The photo of the towers is not mine, I was shocked to see them
and gave me no time to take the photo from the car.
Back at the hotel I send you the maps (the interpreted the other way around, as usual) and we went on another road that took us to a beautiful village south of San Francisco, Half Moon Bay. I loved the people, seemed like a fairy tale, everything was very typical American, so typical that you thought it was like to lie.
whole town looked like a decorated film some artificial, from perfect, it was.
addition, there were plenty of pumpkins
way to the village, on farms nearby.
Halloween is soon and the sale of pumpkins was in his prime.
All those pumpkins gave a ghostly touch to the little trip: we were lost (at least I was), and it was getting dark in that town that was like a huge decorated.
think I gave thought to appear by Jason of "Friday Thirteen" at any time, as part of the attraction.
Luckily nothing happened, because all the streets and roads is indicated thousand times everywhere and find your way back to 101 at a time and could sleep in the hotel.
Day 6: Wednesday, September 26
We left the hotel and went to Santa Cruz by car. By the way, something happened to us we would not have imagined.
rented a car the day before, a Hundai Sonata precious, and we had to ask us to trade him because the car is braking (WTF!).
The parking brake was totally broken (did not work directly), and the braking car brake slowly.
Pegabas the stamp and the car dug into the asphalt, took a while to stop.
I do not know if that was normal or not, but we felt it was best to have a car that would curb, if we had to stop or something, these things happen!
Santa Cruz is like La Antilla (Huelva), but in America: a coastal town lFill only in summer, which many tourists are all kinds can find many hotels of different prices.
The beach is huge. The sand is white and fine. You have to get too into the sea so that water covers you.
The big difference between Santa Cr uz and Huelva is that Santa Cruz is full of surfers throughout the year, in fact it is a place famous for that (as here Tarifa).
We made the trip to Santa Cruz for the 101, 85 and 17 rather than go for 1 because I thought it would come faster.
So it was, it took less than an hour to arrive.
The hotel was not bad, had a swimming pool, free WiFi and breakfast included.
The town itself was not much to see an amusement park was closed (only open in summer), many restaurants and several English colonial houses (or style), but it was wonderful to walk along the beach and watch the gulls huge and boats in the background.
Day 7: Thursday September 27
All the people we asked told us that the Monterey Aquarium was the largest in the world so, as we wanted to visit Monterey, decided to go.
The Monterey Aquarium is beautiful, has lots of weird bugs, like the Rock Scallop (Scallop
Rock in English), Sunfish (Mola Mola) or Abalone (Abalone) and normal bugs, such as jellyfish, starfish and sea otters.
has many huge aquarium with sharks tiny, rare algae and other fish.
It also has another large aquarium with a white shark and a giant sunfish.
The little fish sunfish, or Mola Mola, made me laugh by the name he has, Mola Mola, and it seems to be
always constipated.
In another area of \u200b\u200bthe aquarium let you touch the animals.
Manuel and I played a manta ray and a starfish.
We liked the aquarium because it was all very well kept and very well organized, but it is the largest in the world.
L'Oceanographic in Valencia is larger.
These are some of the jellyfish could be seen on the walls.
This is Manuel with jellyfish.
Day 8: Friday September 28
We got up early and went for a along the coast south to Paso Robles, the city they live Eneko yKelly .
Highway 1 is the road with more curves I've seen in my life.
also often happens right next to a ravine and is quite impressive. Looks like you're going to hurl.
good thing about this road is very wide and has many rest areas to stop looking at the view or take photos.
Along the road all you could see the cliffs and houses many people, that next to the 1 and had their little cottage in a seaside cliff , or hidden among the trees, or on a slope beside the road.
Sometimes not even see the house itself but only the box next to the road with impossible numbers like: 7001, 3215, ...
Pity the postman had to make the deal in that area!
not just stop at rest areas on the trip by the 1, but in a place where there were lions on a beach reserved for them in Big Sur and in two villages: Carmel- by-the-Sea and Gorda.
All Big Sur area is a natural park, but there is also a site where you can see an ancient water mill and walk through a wooden bridge to a cliff where there was a home with a waterfall nearby, along the sea.
Carmel-by-the-Sea is a town that is next Mon terey, and which is alkaline l of Clint Eastwood.
is one of the most posh people I've seen in my life.
Just go through the main street (the stores) and was filled with posh shops and restaurants to the sea.
I saw a tent and other Louis Vuitton Style (c equal sake) and I was stunned. The village has about 4000 inhabitants TES, so it is clear that their people are rich.
also stopped to eat in the town of Gorda because we had not eaten breakfast or dinner the night before and I was a hungry I could eat the stones of the road.
The town of Gorda (so-called truth) is an old fishing spot, I think, but is now a tourist site with a house, a restaurant, gift shop and a boat.
There are other houses spread around among the trees, but basically the town is that, just nothing.
That if the name is funny.
And the piece of apple pie I ate in the restaurant was delicious!
Gorda After we eat in the 1 to bind to the 46, up to Paso Robles.
views around the 46 also are beautiful.
There were plenty of farms where oranges sold at the door, places where cows grazed, a lot of oak and olive trees and, of course, since it is a wine region, vast tracts full of vines.
For late-night dinner at the home of Kelly and Eneko with his family.
Some uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bKelly came for dinner and we dined together in the garden gazebo of his villa. Kelly
prepared food for a regiment, and surprisingly, we ended up with almost everything because everything was great.
Mexican food was not spicy (not spicy was prepared in our honor, if we did not like spicy) and a delicious salad.
Day 9: Saturday September 29
In the morning we rented a boat and we went sailing on Lake Nacimiento, which is near Paso Robles.
rented a big ship (for twelve people) called "DeepBlue" and after a walk around the lake, we swam, ate and sunbathing on the boat.
The water was too cold and could swim peacefully because there were no waves. He
time to everything, including the boat took me a while.
was very easy, just had to speed up or slow down.
Nothing to change gears, or anything. : D
On the evening we returned to Paso Robles and after we went to arrange a tour of Paso Robles and dinner.
Dinner at a restaurant named filetones "Cold Hands SteakHouse Jack" (or something), ask about filetones and incoming calls.
All the food was delicious but, as usual, was too much food.
ate a breaded fried artichokes and they were wonderful.
Kelly, Manuel I ordered steak "normal" 9 to 12 ounces each, but Eneko requested a 25-ounce steak, I think, and what looked like a meat mountain.
I think that the four would not have been able to filetón-mountain but managed to eat half Eneko, so I think he has a black hole in the stomach. : D
Day 10: Sunday September 30
How to spend the day before in Lake s
not loved, the Sunday we went back to the lake.
rent the same boat, it was huge and was quite managed to put all our "archiperres" and gave another area around the lake.
This time it took the boat Eneko and Manuel also a while.
Manuel was very handsome driving the boat.
We swam in the lake, we ate, we started a nap in the sun, we returned to bathe and came back to Paso Robles.
was a great day, sunny and calm.
night we went to dinner at the home of Kelly's uncles, who prepared a lot of food because we were a lot of people.
The food was excellent again, turkey cooked in different ways with sauces, and a kind of salad. Manuel
mounted with Eneko in the Kart-Campero Kelly's cousin and they were spinning, cross country, among the almond trees around the house.
killed not by a miracle.
Day 11: Monday October 1
Paso Robles We left early and went to Santa Barbara following Eneko, who went to San Luis Obispo to work and had to do the same route for about miles. We accompany
to work and we said goodbye to him, and went to walk around San Luis Obispo. We
the 101 all the time and not take us long to get to Santa Barbara.
stopped at the entrance to Santa Barbara and breakfast in another typical breakfast restaurant, where we turned to swell to eat.
A very friendly waitress showed us the way to the hotel and drew a map on a coaster so you do not get lost.
arrived to the hotel "Casa del Mar", which was unbeatable. With a jacuzzi from exotic plants, next to the rooms.
Santa Barbara is a beautiful city.
is a beach town but not surfer-style Santa Cruz.
The beaches were beautiful and had a marina.
Certainly in Santa Barbara also had fortune tellers.
In California there are everywhere, it's amazing. A lucky guess
had this beautiful house in the middle port.
In Santa Barbara there is a lot pijerío everywhere.
There are lots of huge houses everywhere with rare plants in their front gardens open to the public. There were many houses
English-colonial style and tropical plants everywhere.
He also had a very long shopping street full of souvenir shops and typical of normal shops where we bought several shirts.
We strolled through the city, we started a nap in the hotel and in the afternoon we went to see ...
Resident Evil - Extinction!
As I like all movies of shots and explosions, I loved Resident Evil.
the afternoon I swam in the hotel's jacuzzi, which I also loved it.
Day 12: Tuesday, October 2
went to see the people of the Santa Barbara area. We passed
Summerland and took a walk by Carpentry.
Carpentry beaches are beautiful.
stopped to eat in Carpinteria.
food Italian restaurant where we ate was goodism but, as usual, was too much food.
Late afternoon we take a nap in the hotel and tasted the wine and cheese that gave the evening.
Day 13: Wednesday October 3
Eneko We met for lunch and ate with him.
Eneko took us to Mission San Luis Obispo and taught us a little town, what a shame that I left the camera in the car!
Eneko We leave and we were all sad.
to know when you see again!
climbed by 1 to San Francisco and stopped for coffee in Morro Bay.
Eneko went because we said it was nice and ... Well it was!
We stopped at the port and a coffee watching the nose.
guess they named the village by the sea amid Pedrolo photo.
At the end of coffee and we left Morro Bay to San Francisco.
arrived to the hotel in San Francisco at 19:15.
We got into the Jacuzzi and the pool and went to bed early because the next day we had to get up at 03:30.
Day 14: Thursday, October 4
We got up at 3:45, showered and gathered us all to go to the airport on the 4:30 shuttle.
drizzling but anyway, I was determined to throw a picture of the Shuttle and left fatal.
The flight left at 07:00 in San Francisco, so as we had arrived too early, we took several turns by the airport, had breakfast and read the magazines that we bought.
As to the way we did one for gives two and a half hours Philadelphia, where we saw these birds ornament.
We got on the plane again at 07:00 and arrive in Madrid (English time), so without the time difference, the return flight lasted 15 hours in total, including stops in Philadelphia.
Day 15: Friday, October 5
Upon arrival in Madrid we learned from the taxi driver here had become worse over time.
When we get that we were going to sleep, we sleep, and ended the trip.