Hello. A little over half a year I started writing this blog and with some hesitation, really. It was weeks until I started getting comments. "My blog is more dead than Chanquete in the second part of Verano Azul" he thought. And it was. But the wisdom of the time was remedied by the worst evil that can have a blog. As I visit various blogs, going into each of your digital houses (some of you do not sweep would be nice once in a while, hell, why pigs are!), Was realizing some of your habits, beliefs, norms or as you please call cojones. I found there were prizes (call premium, call it "x") than other bloggers because you enjoy spending Condec to read you. And he makes time Ojizarka hand (Ojizarka call her, call her Ojitónica), came my first award. The short time and that the image of the prize in question was more cheesy than the House on the Prairie in pastel version, he had failed in its regulation of this sort of ceremony that has little to envy to the Goya Awards . But the fact is that about a week ago I returned to give another prize. This time it was Goibniu who remembered me. And to top it off, Naray again grant me the same prize days later. "I flip with these people, man" (in loving plan.)
And why deny it. Like every mother's son like me and makes me to illusion I deliver up these awards, because that means that you like reading me and that's the best gift of sharing what I write. But I will not lie, the awards are tacky of balls and having to post an entry every time you give one, beyond me. I like to post for publishing. So I opted to make a special section outside the main blog page it entirely for your awards. Do not quejaréis! How you care!
This award is conditional write seven things about myself (in molo I plan to myself), so I will.
- I do not like talking on the phone, but once I start I can be more than an hour hanging with the same conversation.
- I can not do Sudoku.
- I usually leave everything to the last minute.
- I have an amazing memory. I remember even the smallest detail from years ago, but sometimes I have trouble remembering that I had dinner last night.
- My passion is psychology.
- I have a special radar to capture what kind of person I have in front of or even what you think.
- My relationship with food is not normal. I can eat a family pot myself and after two hours to get hungry again. Usually I feel like, and I meet, breakfast pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, cannelloni and spinach, among others. And do not gain weight, even more, if not as superhuman cantitades losing weight.
And the final condition of the award is given to another 15 meters of misery. I will opt to choose only 7. Claudia
- for one second Sorry (flat fuck, I do not roll me mola have to publish an entry for this and I have been forced, so apply your story with mine is now the third) .
- by What little I know about life . Inma
- by Vacuum Room (although I think you either roll them go, I like to read you both had to give the award, teacher).
missing many more that I enjoy reading, but will play them on another occasion.
PS: this part of the blog you can access whenever you want by clicking on " Awards "From the menu that appears below the blog header.
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