Although officially conclude Members August 31 activities, since last month's activities were minimized and even many lawmakers and their offices evacuated.
palace corridors San Lazaro legislative look half-empty room and the restaurant works less than 50% capacity.
The committee work practically no longer exists, although by regulation are required to meet at least once a month. May and June reported very little activity.
Among the priority issues that remain unresolved include the review of public accounts of the presidential term of Vicente Fox and secondary legislation to regulate the maximum salaries of all public servants.
Regardless of their absences or work behind the 500 deputies will continue to receive the 152 thousand dollars of diet, more features, ranging from Toll cards free of charge, to its almost 3 thousand dollars for food stamps, health insurance and incidentals.
end of August each will also receive more than one million pesos for proportional payment of retirement and bonuses.
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