That innocent girl flushed cheeks and hair style cow-licked stolen our hearts to all children who faithfully followed their adventures in the Swiss Alps. Made us believe that ignorance was hot and the milk were our best friends.
Heidi was a 5 year old orphan who had been in charge of his aunt at his mother's death. This is all we know the origin of the child. What few know is that history is not as he told us.
Does anyone know the father of Heidi? Have not you ever wondered why is that the uncanny resemblance that saves Setting with it? Yes, Heidi and Marco were brothers.
all happened when Adelaide, an attractive Swedish girl, traveled to Italy in search of employment. There he met Pietro Rossi, a doctor dedicated to healing people humble people who was married to Anna, which had been his girlfriend for life.
Adelaide, who was then working as a girl of the work of a wealthy family in Genoa, suffering from a strange disease that had been dragging since arriving in Italy, attended the consultation Rossi doctor for answers. This, was captivated by the beauty of the girl on sight. Turned in body and soul into trying to cure. Both turned, three months after the first encounter, Adelaide was pregnant with him.
They kept the relationship secret for the next year. Heidi, a baby just a few months of life, began to suffer symptoms that had developed her mother when she fell ill.
Adelaide, frightened by the delicate health of his daughter, decided to return to the country they had left a couple of years earlier. This decision was promoted by Pietro himself, he saw no better solution to mitigate the illness of her daughter that the clean air of the Alps. Adelaide begged him to accompany her and stay with her, but Peter, a father, was guilty of cowardice and let him go to which was the love of his life.
Adelaide, broken hearted, he returned to his homeland in search of help from his father. But "the old the Alps," as they used to call the villagers to the father of Adelaide, when he learned of the existence of Heidi, became angry and threw home.
Adelaide, desperate, saw no other solution than to take refuge next to his sister Dete.
Over time, Heidi became a girl healthy and happy, but the health of his mother, however, had worsened increasingly, even to the extent of becoming bedridden. He knew his destiny. I knew there had much time to live, so he sought help from his sister to send you a letter to the father of her daughter.
Dete, on the death of Adelaide, kept his promise and sent the letter to Pietro, but he never received. That letter was lost at the end in the hands of Anna, who decided to put some distance with her husband going off to Argentina, he never said anything about what happened. Pietro never heard that Adelaide had died.
The rest, I know (almost) everyone.
enjoyed in complete ignorance not read, but more serious is that the grandfather would allow. Lord, what kind of monster are you?
never understood why the girl would eat only cheese, bread and milk. That was all he was fed during his stay in the Alps. And do not complain! The mother who bore her.
I do not deny that breakfast, lunch and dinner, cheese and milk every day is not to hate the milk and all its derivatives. Damn, what the aunt had stomach.
If that pass today, the grandfather would be in prison for producing cholesterol a helpless girl child.
If Heidi were real, would now have about 42 years. Have married Peter (the pastor), and would have had 4 children. Pedro would be out of work (because in the Alps there are also crisis) and were about to lose your home. Heidi I could not do nothing but lament that it is unfortunate to have missed the opportunity so good it had to be educated during your stay in Frankfurt .
The stark reality is that Heidi, today is a very overweight woman with a herniated disc that prevents you from jumping half-naked in the mountains, as he often did in his time waiters.
Disclaimer: view this entry is free. Heidi's story is only the fruit of the sick and perverted mind of its author, Francisco RodrÃguez.
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