Did you know that oranges can be downloaded from the internet?
Well, that says my book Marketing. One of the useful features of "marketing 2.0". Best Valencia oranges from the tree to your home in just 24 hours. Take that! Does
web download them? This is
. Although you are likely asking for help to the mule (
eMule ) God of War (Ares
) to get the oranges at zero cost. Am I wrong?
This is how they think the majority of the English. "If I can get something" free "internet, why should I pay for it? Pay seems excessive to me, in other words, a robbery."
What right you know, friend! The little farmer interest me, what matters to me is that I will be able to put away the ten kilillos of oranges from the cap.
The other day I chased a collector of
SGAE. Wanted me to pay an additional amount of orange juice I was taking for infringing the copyright of the Valencia orange.
I : But, why?
LORD GRIZZLY MUSTACHE : Because I have to eat.
I : A coast take advantage of my money? The musicians who make them pay for singing their own songs also have to eat, you know?
juice I paid and left. On leaving I met a woman whose face looks oddly familiar. Hell, if the Sinde! I had not fallen before!
Suddenly a light blinded me completely. Then I woke up. It had all been a dream.
I went to the bathroom to shower. I put background music. Rang "Clave de Sol" de Vega: "I've told
I can take time, hearing lies unbroken to speak. I am told things will not go, I have believed me not to mourn .
Wow Why refer? What I downloaded this song from eMule? Not think he cares.
(now is when I release cheap moralizing): "I have not bought the album because the record is a sausage and artists have misery business and also disks are very expensive."
(The voice of my conscience appears on the scene): Expensive? Have you ever been trapped in time? Chiquillo, just the singer's latest album that you like both cost less than 10 euros.
I : 10 euros? EMule is that I got "free", Mrs Consciousness. And stop looking, I'm chopped into pellets and have not paid to see my jam! "
AWARENESS: and then, if you do not buy their records, how is going to stay Vega? Live on air ?
I : they do not think the air feed lot. But I'm sure because I only (the others do not) I have downloaded eMule Morph, she will not starve.
AWARENESS: With this album has sold 10000 copies.
YO: 10000 copies "? Well, are enough, huh I would not sell a single one.
AWARENESS : to 60 cents earned for every copy sold, a total of 6000 euros.
ME: "6000 euros? Damn, what stuff!
AWARENESS: In two years years, garrulous! Do you think that with 6000 euros can live for 24 months?
ME: Come on, it's true! Well, then there are the concerts and performances.
AWARENESS: How recruited from the wards if the acetate does not sell? What will bring you new songs for you the get off the eMule, if the publisher does not confident that they bring benefits? Perhaps you would like to work without pay? What you do is called stealing, Fran.
ME: What damn you, Conscience!
I-don't-you know how. And for lunch I go to the supermarket or grocery store and bought oranges. Freaks
mandarins to see the price, because the super nail me. In contrast, if the farmer I buy them directly, it costs me a quarter less. I can choose to
descargármelas internet legally, so that leaves me cheaper. But if the meeting posted on the eMule, I will play even cheaper. But you know what what happens? Than oranges, at least for now, I have fucked to teleport via ADSL.
Do not have a bloody fight against record companies that have Bisbis sacándoles up the pieces. Think of those musicians (from the truth, not GAGAS
Ladies flea market in town) who are one step away from becoming homeless by a simple click of your mouse.