On 22nd May English citizens are summoned to the polls to vote public representatives in all municipalities and in some autonomous parliaments. The elected representatives will be responsible for managing billions of euros over a period of four years, reason enough for a careful voter: over recent years, the level of corruption in English politics has soared at an alarming rate across the parliamentary spectrum .
PSOE, PP and CiU are three political parties that have agreed to revive the bill in the Senate Sinde, a law that allows Internet censorship by administrative without judicial intervention to ensure the effective protection citizens. The judge who must validate the closure will be forbidden to discuss the merits, that is, the infringement of intellectual property rights or the possibility of produce a financial loss from the website whose closure is requested. Sinde law creates a "hole free of judges" where the decision is an administrative commission appointed by the government to avoid what has been happening so far: the judges gave no reason claims industry content.
law is ineffective Sinde. Does not address a comprehensive reform of intellectual property law, the only way to encourage fair remuneration of creators and artists in the context of a society digital culture. Yet despite the opposition of an important part of society, including artists and creators , PSOE, PP and CiU voted for it . outweighed the pressures from foreign governments and minority the social interest. But not everything is the fault of our representatives, we will have chosen, by act or omission.
From Nolesvotes.com consider PSOE, PP and CiU have failed in their primary obligation of citizenship, sworn to uphold the Constitution and promised to comply. Sinde Internet law submitted to a law of exception, with severe depletion of rights freedom of expression and information and effective judicial protection, allowing greater political control of the network.
Your choice is important. Do not ask you to vote for any particular party, nor blank votes, or that you refrain, but you run reports to see that there are alternatives against the law Sinde across the ideological spectrum. We ask you to defend freedom in the network with your vote, by not supporting those who by their actions have been clearly deserving of a punishment vote.
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