What we lack
barrel of Brent at 14:00 24/02/2011 |
raining on us all and for having troubles. Now it's the turn of the oil, whose price has all the portents to reach the clouds shortly. Unfortunately this year, we say, this semester, it would be risky to predict that exceed $ 200 a barrel. The social and political crisis that spans almost the entire span of the Muslim countries of North Africa and the Middle East has been the fuse of this sudden rise. Until not long ago, our economy, suffering from almost all ills, lived with low inflation, which is logical in a context of decline in our GDP. Even, we fear for sinking into a long night of deflation. For now, the tables have turned and we are mired in stagnation of production, but with rising inflation. In the worst that could happen to already have all the evils possible: stagflation. Stagflation, caused mainly by the increase in prices of energy products. And do not forget that our dependence on foreign energy is about 80%.
The ultimate root of all our problems is our low productivity and efficiency resulting from our high relative costs and low innovation capacity and technology, which makes us have low export capacity, with high imports to which we have to go given the weakness of internal demand, along with inflation and excessive debt to pay for our needs and current and past extravagance. Our GDP is decreasing or, at most, no growth stagnates and does not generate wealth while destroying jobs, so that the disposable income of households and firms falls, etc etc, in a spiral increasingly burdensome and perverse . Our economic pillars are made of mud-pun intended, "brick and tourism, and the crisis has served to highlight a fact that no one suspected, some do know but silent, with neglect of their duties, "shit, sorry, that hid all banks and our financial system, whose clean and we had to go all taxpayers for the benefit of a few greedy. The government, in a Keynesian fever attack led the state into bankruptcy, throwing the budget deficit. We have been funding, before the crisis, the crisis and see me after, the rest of the planet and now we have the offspring. Every time we more if we do not curb the waste and the world is becoming more reluctant to lend and if it does, the more interest. Another downward spiral.
Another day talk about how is our competitiveness, the mother of all success or economic woes in the global landscape. Mal lost each year in the ranking. With the low competitiveness and oil to 200 euros or more a barrel, how we get through this? The prayer you know .......
The ultimate root of all our problems is our low productivity and efficiency resulting from our high relative costs and low innovation capacity and technology, which makes us have low export capacity, with high imports to which we have to go given the weakness of internal demand, along with inflation and excessive debt to pay for our needs and current and past extravagance. Our GDP is decreasing or, at most, no growth stagnates and does not generate wealth while destroying jobs, so that the disposable income of households and firms falls, etc etc, in a spiral increasingly burdensome and perverse . Our economic pillars are made of mud-pun intended, "brick and tourism, and the crisis has served to highlight a fact that no one suspected, some do know but silent, with neglect of their duties, "shit, sorry, that hid all banks and our financial system, whose clean and we had to go all taxpayers for the benefit of a few greedy. The government, in a Keynesian fever attack led the state into bankruptcy, throwing the budget deficit. We have been funding, before the crisis, the crisis and see me after, the rest of the planet and now we have the offspring. Every time we more if we do not curb the waste and the world is becoming more reluctant to lend and if it does, the more interest. Another downward spiral.
Another day talk about how is our competitiveness, the mother of all success or economic woes in the global landscape. Mal lost each year in the ranking. With the low competitiveness and oil to 200 euros or more a barrel, how we get through this? The prayer you know .......
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