Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do Boots Alternative Acne Tablets Work?

"Why companies are forced to account in three months and the state does not?" Hellebore

Public Accounts:
More transparency (I)
Eduardo Martínez Abascal
in Expansion

Public power on enterprises, and especially to listed companies, disclosure requirements billion, for the sake of transparency . Sounds good to me. Transparency facilitates truth and this is key to a just and efficient . Curiously, however, to note the lack of transparency that the ruling applied when trying to explain the spending they decide with everyone's money. I will put some examples. How much does Public Administration in Spain? Hard to know. Search Google, ask around. At best, you get the data from the General State Budget (about 350 billion euros). But they do not cover some of the expenses of the autonomous regions or municipalities, which represent a largely decentralized state government spending. Give the data: the cost of public administration in 2009 was 483 billion.

companies are analyzed based on their results, ie, its income statement and balance sheet. Question: Have you ever seen the income of the English? Have you ever heard discussed in Parliament on the closure of financial year? We got tired of discussing the budget, but never deliver on what happened with the budget. Only in recent months, and to European concerns about the English public deficit, we begin to give some partial data on year-end. Proposal: every year the accounts presented above and discussed in Parliament.

Companies are required to submit audited accounts before April 1. It turns out that the State fails to submit audited accounts and when it happened a long time ago. Last year reviewed by the Court of Accounts and published by the General Comptroller of Public Administration (IGAE) is 2007 (look it up on the web) ... It's been 3 years! Why companies are forced to account in three months and the state does not? Proposal: to be audited government accounts and put up in the first half of the year.

Objection: Public Administration (State, autonomous regions, municipalities and social security) has thousands of organisms and is very difficult to obtain all information. Seems reasonable. However, l to Inland Revenue has the data of all income, stocks and properties purchased, etc., 20 million English, and has a day and available from April. Is not the state can take data from their bodies even though they are thousands? The facts show no interest. More examples next week.
____________________________________ Biography

Eduardo Martínez Abascal is Professor at IESE in the area of \u200b\u200bfinancial management, where he has taught since 1992. Ph.D. in economics and business from the University of Barcelona and an MBA from IESE. It has also been visiting scholar at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
His area of \u200b\u200bteaching covers both corporate finance and portfolio management and capital markets. In recent years, has taught at senior management programs in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Munich, Shanghai, Lagos, Nairobi, Cairo, Sao Paulo, Montevideo, Mexico, Bogotá, Washington DC, among others.
is currently Academic Director of Executive MBA programs and PADE, and Director of Institutional Relations with Schools Associates. In the direction of IESE has held the following positions: Member of the Board of Management for MBA, Member of the Board of Management for Executive Training Program and Associate Director General.
is an advisory member of several business schools (Nigeria, Kenya, Uruguay, Ecuador and Brazil).
Its area covers both market consulting capital and firm valuation. He is Director of Grupo Nicolás Correa SA, Transport and the advisor Guipuzcoana other companies.
has published 7 books, 100 technical notes. 30 articles in journals, and over 50 in the daily financial press and is a regular contributor to expansion.


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